Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Andy Warhol Neuschwanstein

Andy Warhol NeuschwansteinAndy Warhol Mount VesuviusAndy Warhol Marilyn
Achieve more from less. The University of Chicago survey showed that nearly half of 25- to 29-year-olds said they made love at least two or three times a week, including 11 percent reporting four times or more. By the early 40s, the number had fallen to 30 percent. The largest proportion, 45 percent, reported sex "a few times per month" (possibly due, in In a secure relationship, there is less emphasis on how often, and more on how good. "I find that people in their 40s or so remember this moment or that moment, whereas to the younger ones, it may be all a blur," says Zussman. "When it's no longer an everyday thing, it means more." A gratifying sex life after 35 calls for a series of adjustments. Some people confront part, to fatigue and the demands of child-rearing). Yet more than any other group, men and women in their 40s considered themselves emotionally and physically satisfied by their lovemaking. As the frequency drops, couples should realize that each encounter can become more special, a moment to be anticipated and savored.

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