Monday, January 21, 2008

The Broken Pitcher

The Broken Pitcher
The Jewel Casket
The Kitchen Maid ¡¡¡¡`All right, show her up, it's Miss Jo,' said Laurie, going to the door of his little parlour to meet Jo, who appeared, looking rosy and kind and quite at her ease, with a covered dish in one hand and Beth's three kittens in the other. ¡¡¡¡`Here I am, bag and baggage,' she said briskly. `Mother sent her love, and was glad if I could do anything for you. Meg wanted me to bring some of her blancmange; she makes it very nicely, and Beth thought her cats would be com
oil painting

forting. I knew you'd laugh at them, but I couldn't refuse, she was so anxious to do something.' ¡¡¡¡It so happened that Beth's funny loan was just the thing; for, in laughing over the kits, Laurie forgot his bashfulness, and grew sociable at once. ¡¡¡¡`That looks too pretty to eat,' he said, smiling with pleasure, as Jo uncovered the dish, and showed the blancmange, surrounded by a garland of green leaves, and the scarlet flowers of Amy's pet geranium. ¡¡¡¡`It isn't anything, only they all felt kindly, and wanted to show it. Tell the girl to put it away for your tea; it's so simple, you can eat it; and, being soft it will slip down without hurting your sore throat. What a cosy room this is!'

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