Friday, November 30, 2007

landscape painting sale

landscape painting sale
contemporary landscape painting
acrylic landscape painting
abstract landscape painting
Our Case, said he, Sir, is too long to tell you, while our Murtherers are so near; but in Short, Sir, I was Commander of that Ship, my Men have Mutinied against me; they have been hardly prevail'd on not to Murther me, and at last have set me on Shore in this desolate Place, with these two Men with me; one my Mate, the other a Passenger, where we expected to Perish, believing the Place to be uninhabited, and know not yet what to think of it.
Where are those Brutes, your Enemies, said I, do you know where they are gone? There they lye, Sir, Said he, pointing to a Thicket of Trees; my Heart trembles, for fear they have seen us, and heard you speak, if they have, they will certainly Murther us all.
Have they any Fire-Arms, said I, He answered they had only two Pieces, and one which they left in the Boat. Well then, Said I, leave the rest to me; I see they are all asleep, it is an easie thing to kill them all; but shall we rather take them Prisoners? He told me there were two desperate Villains among them, that it was scarce safe to shew any Mercy to; but if they were secur'd, he believ'd all the rest would return to their Duty. I ask'd him, which they were? He told me he could not at that distance describe them; but he would obey my Orders in any thing I would direct. Well, says I, let us retreat out of their View or Hearing, least they awake, and we will resolve further; so they willingly went back with me, till the Woods cover'd us from them.


Anonymous said...

landscape painting sale

Anonymous said...

landscape painting sale