Monday, November 19, 2007

figurative abstract painting

figurative abstract painting
abstract painting picture
nature abstract painting
decorative abstract art painting
No one wanted to go to bed, when, at ten o'clock, Mrs. March put by the last finished job, and said, `Come, girls.' Beth went to the piano and played the father's favourite hymn; all began bravely, but broke down one by one, till Beth was left alone, singing with all her heart, for to her music was always a sweet consoler. ¡¡¡¡`Go to bed and don't talk, for we must be up early, and shall need all the sleep we can get. Good night, my darlings,' said Mrs. March, as the hymn ended, for no one cared to try another. ¡¡¡¡They kissed her quietly, and went to bed as silently as if the dear invalid lay in the next room. ¡¡¡¡Beth and Amy soon fell asleep in spite of the great trouble, but Meg lay awake, thinking the most serious thoughts she had ever known in her short life. Jo lay motionless, and her sister fancied that she was asleep, till a stifled sob made her exclaim, as she touched a wet cheek: `Jo, dear, what is it? Are you crying about Father?' ¡¡¡¡`No, not now.' ¡¡¡¡`What then?' ¡¡¡¡`My - my hair!' burst out poor Jo, trying vainly to smother her emotion in the pillow. ¡¡¡¡It did not sound at all comical to Meg, who kissed and caressed the afflicted heroine in the tenderest manner. ¡¡¡¡`I'm not sorry,' protested Jo, with a choke. `I'd do it again tomorrow, if I could. It's only the vain, selfish part of me that goes and cries in this silly way. Don't tell anyone, it's all over now. I thought you were asleep, so I just made a little private moan for my one beauty. How came you to be awake?' ¡¡¡¡`I can't sleep, I'm so anxious,' said Meg. ¡¡¡¡`Think about something pleasant, and you'll soon drop off.' ¡¡¡¡`I tried it, but felt wider awake than ever.' ¡¡¡¡`What did you think of?'


Anonymous said...

figurative abstract painting

Anonymous said...

figurative abstract painting

Anonymous said...

figurative abstract painting