Friday, February 29, 2008

leonardo da vinci last supper painting

leonardo da vinci last supper painting
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I picked up her hat, and approached to reinstate it; but perceiving that the people of the house took her part, she commenced capering round the room; and on my giving chase, ran like a mouse over and under and behind the furniture, rendering it ridiculous for me to pursue. Hareton and the woman laughed, and she joined them, and waxed more impertinent still; till I cried, in great irritation:
`Well, Miss Cathy, if you were aware whose house this is, you'd be glad enough to get out.
`It's your father's, isn't it?' said she, turning to Hareton. `Nay,' he replied, looking down, and blushing bashfully.
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He could not stand a steady gaze from her eyes, though they were just his own.
`Whose then--your master's?' she asked.
He coloured deeper, with a different feeling, muttered an oath, and turned away.
`Who is his master?' continued the tiresome girl, appealing to me. `He talked about ``our house'', and ``our folk''. I thought he had been the owner's son. And he never said, Miss; he should have done, shouldn't he, if he's a servant?'

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`Well, Nelly,' said he, riding into the yard one morning, too early not to alarm me with an instant presentiment of bad news, `it's yours and my turn to go into mourning at present. Who's given us the slip now, do you think?'
`Who?' I asked in a flurry.
`Why, guess!' he returned, dismounting, and slinging his bridle on a hook by the door. `And nip up the corner of your apron: I'm certain you'll need it.'
`Not Mr Heathcliff, surely?' I exclaimed.
`What! would you have tears for him?' said the doctor. `No, Heathcliff's a tough young fellow: he looks blooming today. I've just seen him. He's rapidly regaining flesh since he lost his better half.'
`Who is it then, Mr Kenneth?' I repeated impatiently.
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`Hindley Earnshaw! Your old friend Hindley,' he replied, `and my wicked gossip: though he's been too wild for me this long while. There! I said we should draw water. But cheer up. He died true to his character: drunk as a lord. Poor lad! I'm sorry, too. One can't help missing an old companion: though he had the worst tricks with him that ever man imagined, and has done me many a rascally turn. He's barely twenty-seven, it seems; that's your own age: who would have thought you were born in one year?'

Jack Vettriano Painting

Jack Vettriano Painting
The Singing Butler
Rembrandt Painting
`The charge,exploded, and the knife, in springing back, closed into its owners wrist. Heathcliff pulled it away by main force, slitting up the flesh as it passed on, and thrust it dripping into his pocket. He then took a stone, struck down the division between two windows, and sprang in. His adversary had fallen senseless with excessive pain and the flow of blood, that gushed from an artery or a large vein. The ruffian kicked and trampled on him, and dashed his head repeatedly against the flags, holding me with one hand, meantime, to prevent me summoning Joseph. He exerted preterhuman self-denial in abstaining from finishing him completely; but getting out of breath he finally desisted, and dragged the apparently inanimate body on to the settle. There `"There's this to do,'' thundered Heathcliff,
oil paintings ``that your master's mad; and should he last another month, I'll have him to an asylum. And how the devil did you come to fasten me out, you toothless hound? Don't stand muttering and mumbling there. Come, I'm not going to nurse him. Wash that stuff away; and mind the sparks of your candle--it is more than half brandy!''
`"And so, ye've been murthering on him?'' exclaimed Joseph, lifting his hands and eyes in horror. ``If iver I seed a seeght loike this! May the Lord-- -''

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`In that case, I'll take measures to secure you, woman!' exclaimed Heathcliff; `you shall not leave Wuthering Heights till tomorrow morning. It is a foolish story to assert that Catherine could not bear to see me; and as to surprising her, I don't desire it: you must prepare her ask her if I may come. You say she never mentions my name, and that I am never mentioned to her. To whom should she mention me if I am a forbidden topic in the house? She thinks you are all spies for her husband. Oh, I've no doubt she's in hell among you! I guess by her silence, as much as anything, what she feels.
oil paintings You say she is often restless, and anxious-looking; is that a proof of tranquillity? You talk of her mind being unsettled. How the devil could it be otherwise in her frightful isolation? And that insipid, paltry creature attending her from duty and humanity! From pity and charity! He might as well plant an oak in a flowerpot, and expect it to thrive, as imagine he can restore her to vigour in the soil of his shallow cares! Let us settle it at once: will you stay here, and am I to fight my way to Catherine over Linton and his footmen? Or will you be my friend as you have been hitherto, and do what I request? Decide! cause there is no reason for my lingering another minute, if you persist in your stubborn ill-nature!

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to insure his quiescence while I stay. If his servants oppose me, I shall threaten them off with these pistols. But wouldn't it be better to prevent my coming in contact with them, or their master? And you could do it so easily. I'd warn you when I came, and then you might let me in unobserved, as soon as she was alone, and watch till I departed, your conscience quite calm: you would be hindering mischief.'
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I protested against playing that treacherous part in my employer's house: and, besides, I urged the cruelty and selfishness of his destroying Mrs Linton's tranquillity for his satisfaction. `The commonest occurrence startles her painfully,' I said. `She's all nerves, and she couldn't bear the surprise, I'm positive. Don't persist, sir! or else, I shall be obliged to inform my master of your designs; and he'll take measures to secure his house and its inmates from any such unwarrantable intrusions!'

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Decorative painting

Decorative painting
Famous artist painting
Famous painting
Art Painting
While Miss Linton moped about the park and garden, always silent, and almost always in tears; and her brother shut himself up among books that he never opened--wearying, I guessed, with a continual vague expectation that Catherine, repenting her conduct, would come of her own accord to ask pardon, and seek a reconciliation--and she fasted pertinaciously, under the idea, probably, that at every meal, Edgar was ready to choke for her absence, and pride alone held him from running to cast himself at her feet: I went about my household duties, convinced that the Grange had but one sensible soul in its walls, and that lodged in my body. I wasted no condolences on Miss, nor any expostulations
oil paintings on my mistress; nor did I pay much attention to the sighs of my master, who yearned to hear his lady's name, since he might not hear her voice. I determined they should come about as they pleased for me; and though it was a tiresomely slow process, I began to rejoice at length in a faint dawn of its progress: as I thought at first.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

thomas kinkade painting

thomas kinkade painting
van gogh painting
无框画 油画网
the last supper painting
quest enah, at ahr folks. One on `em's a'most getten his finger cut off wi' hauding t'other froo' sticking hisseln loike a cawlf. That's maister, yah knaw, `ut's soa up uh going tuh t' grand `sizes. He's noan feard uh t' bench uh judges, norther Paul, nur Peter, nur John, nur Matthew, nor noan on `em, nut he! He fair likes--he langs to set his brazened face agean `em! And yon bonny lad Heathcliff, yah mind, he's a rare `un! He can girn a laugh as weel's onybody at a raight divil's jest. Does he niver say nowt of his fine living amang us, when he goas tuh t' Grange? This is t' way on't:--up at sundahn; dice, brandy, cloised shutters, und can'le-lught till next day at nooin: then, t fooil gangs banning un raving to his cham'er,
oil paintings makking dacent fowks dig thur fingers i' thur lugs fur varry shaume; un' the knave, wah he carn cahnt his brass, un' ate, un' sleep, un' off to his neighbour's tuh gossip wi' t' wife. I' course, he tells Dame Catherine hah hor father's goold runs intuh his pocket, and her father's son gallops dahn t' Broad road, while he flees afore to oppen t' pikes?" Now, Miss Linton, Joseph is an old rascal, but no liar; and, if his account of Heathcliff's conduct be true, you would never think of desiring such a husband, would you?'

Thursday, February 21, 2008

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van gogh painting
无框画 油画网
the last supper painting
older in expression and decision of feature than Mr Linton's; it looked intelligent, and retained no marks of former degradation. A half-civilized ferocity lurked yet in the depressed brows and eyes full of black fire, but it was subdued; and his manner was even dignified: quite divested of roughness, though too stern for grace. My master's surprise equalled or exceeded mine: he remained for a minute at a loss how to address the ploughboy, as he had called him. Heathcliff dropped his slight hand, and stood looking at him coolly till he chose to speak.
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`Sit down, sir,' he said, at length. `Mrs Linton, recalling old times, would have me give you a cordial reception; and, of course, I am gratified when anything occurs to please her.'
`And I also,' answered Heathcliff, `especially if it be anything in which I have a part. I shall stay an hour or two willingly.'

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

thomas kinkade painting

thomas kinkade painting
van gogh painting
无框画 油画网
the last supper painting
the settle, and ran to seek for her friend herself; not taking leisure to consider why she was so flurried, or how her talk would have affected him. She was absent such a while that Joseph proposed we should wait no longer. He cunningly conjectured they were staying away in order to avoid hearing his protracted blessing. They were `ill eneugh for ony fahl manners', he affirmed. And on their behalf he added that night a special prayer to the usual quarter of an hour's supplication before meat, and would have tacked another to the end of the grace, had not his young mistress broken in upon him with a hurried command that he must run down the road, and wherever Heathcliff had rambled, find and make him re-enter directly!
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`I want to speak to him, and I must, before I go upstairs,' she said. `And the gate is open: he is somewhere out of hearing; for he would not reply, though I shouted at the top of the fold as loud as I could.'

Monday, February 18, 2008

leonardo da vinci last supper painting

leonardo da vinci last supper painting
leonardo da vinci mona lisa
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Not at all--Answer.'
`I love the ground under his feet, and the air over his head, and everything he touches, and every word he says. I love all his looks, and all his actions, and him entirely and altogether. There now!'
`And why?'
`Nay; you are making a jest of it; it is exceedingly ill-natured! It's no jest to me!' said the young lady, scowling, and turning her face to the fire.
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`I'm very far from jesting, Miss Catherine,' I replied. `You love Mr Edgar because he is handsome, and young, and cheerful, and rich, and loves you. The last, however, goes for nothing: you would love him without that, probably; and with it you wouldn't, unless he possessed the four former attractions.'
`No, to be sure not: I should only pity him--hate him, perhaps, if he were ugly, and a clown.'
`But there are several other handsome, rich young men in the world: handsomer, possibly, and richer than he is. What should hinder you from loving them?'
`If there be any, they are out of my way! I've seen none like Edgar.'

Sunday, February 17, 2008

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Nelly, make me decent, I'm going to be good.'
`High time, Heathcliff,' I said; `you have grieved Catherine: she's sorry she ever came home, I dare say! It looks as if you envied her, because she is more thought of than you.'
The notion of envying Catherine was incomprehensible to him, but the notion of grieving her he understood clearly enough.
`Did she say she was grieved?' he inquired, looking very serious. `She cried when I told her you were off again this morning.'
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`Well, I cried last night,' he returned, `and I had more reason to cry than she.'
`Yes: you had the reason of going to bed with a proud heart and an empty stomach,' said I. `Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves. But, if you be ashamed of your touchiness, you must ask pardon, mind, when she comes in. You must go up and offer to kiss her, and say--you know best what to say; only do it heartily, and not as if you thought her converted into a stranger by her grand dress. And now, though I have dinner to

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leonardo da vinci last supper painting
got a store and thrust it between his jaws, and tried with all my might to cram it down his throat. A beast of a servant came up with a lantern, at last, shouting--"Keep fast, Skulker, keep fast!" He changed his note, however--when he saw Skulker's game. The dog was throttled off; his huge, purple tongue hanging half a foot out of his mouth, and his pendent lips streaming with bloody slaver. The man took Cathy up: she was sick: not from fear, I'm certain,
oil paintings but from pain. He carried her in; I followed, grumbling execrations and vengeance. "What prey, Robert?" hallooed Linton from the entrance. "Skulker has caught a little girl, sir," he replied; "and there's a lad here", he added, making a clutch at me, "who looks an out-and-outer! Very like, the robbers were for putting them through the window to open the doors to the gang after all were asleep, that they might

Friday, February 15, 2008

Rembrandt Painting

Jack Vettriano Painting
The Singing Butler
Rembrandt Painting
Heathcliff! Hindley calls him a vagabond, and won't let him sit with us, nor eat with us any more; and, he says, he and I must not play together, and threatens to turn him out of the house if we break his orders. He has been blaming our father (how dared he?) for treating H. too liberally; and swears he will reduce him to his right place--'
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***I began to nod drowsily over the dim page: my eye wandered from manuscript to print, I saw a red ornamented title--`Seventy Times Seven, and the First of the Seventy-First. A Pious Discourse delivered by the Reverend Jabes Branderham, in the Chapel of Gimmerden Sough.' And while I was, half consciously, worrying my brain to guess what Jabes Branderham would make of his subject, I sank back in bed, and fell asleep. Alas, for the effects of bad tea and bad temper! what else could it be that made me pass such a terrible night? I don't remember another that I can at all compare with it since I was capable of suffering.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

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servant or not: his dress and speech were both rude, entirely devoid of the superiority observable in Mr and Mrs Heathcliff; his thick brown curls were rough and uncultivated, his whiskers encroached bearishly over his cheeks, and his hands were embrowned like those of a common labourer: still his bearing was free, almost haughty, and he showed none of a domestic's assiduity in attending on the lady of the house. In the absence of clear proofs of his condition, I deemed it best to abstain from noticing his curious conduct; and, five minutes afterwards, the entrance of Heathcliff relieved me, in some measure, from my uncomfortable state.

oil paintings `You see, sir, I am come, according to promise!' I exclaimed, assuming the cheerful; `and I fear I shall be weatherbound for half an hour, if you can afford me shelter during that space.'

Friday, February 1, 2008

picture of the last supper

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the last supper painting
picture of the last supper
leonardo da vinci last supper painting
"I suppose they do,"said Mr Cust. "It's a fact.Sometimes it's the war what unhinged them-never been rightsince." "I-I expect you're right." "I don't hold with wars,"said the young man. His companion turned on him. "I don't hold with plague and sleeping sickness and famine andcancer......but they happen all the same!" "War's preventable,"said the young man with assurance. Mr Cust laughed.He laughed for some time. The young man was slightly alarmed. "He's a bit batty himself,"he thought.
oil paintings Aloud he said: "Sorry,sir,I expect you were in the war." "I was,"said Mr Cust."It-it-unsettled me.My head's never been rightsince.It aches,you know.Aches terribly." "Oh!I'm sorry about that,"said the young man awkwardly. "Sometimes I hardly know what I'm doing......"